Showing posts with label Least Sandpiper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Least Sandpiper. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Bravest But Dumbest of Birds in Maricopa County

The name of this post might sound strange.  It is definitely very strange, but it's also true.  Birds may be brave, but yet so dumb at the same time.  Some of these birds are practically asking to be killed, others are just satisfied for a seed, even if it is way far and away from home.  Recently, Magill Weber and I went birding, and it seemed if our day was highlighted by brave and dumb avains.  On a quest into Maricopa County's higher elevation to see if we could win the Nutcracker lottery (without luck!), we were entertained by "dummies".

Let's start with this Horned Lark.  We went to Scottsdale's Rousseau Sod Farms in search of Longspurs, but we found this Horned Lark instead.  He decided to run up to my truck and then run along with it as we drove.  On one of the pictures below, the forward motion is obvious.  It was awesome to see it this close, but hey this lark drank too much larkquor.

Just down the street from the Horned Lark was this moron of an Osprey.  I wouldn't call this bravery, but stupidity.  We drove up on this Osprey, and he was eating his spectacular catch on the grass.  Who would want their meal to be covered in grass?  I know I wouldn't, and the Osprey couldn't fly to a nearby powerpole that abound nearby to eat his fish just scaly instead of the scaly-grassy combination.  But once again, it was awesome to see it this close, despite the fact the bird has issues.

On a stop at the Salt River, we knew about a few Mountain Chickadees that have been hanging out in the area.  The Salt River isn't in the Rockies by any means, but is in a desert dominated region.  The chickadee flew over nearby Transition Zones in order to have the mesquite seeds and beans, whatever they are.  Just northeast of the Salt River is the Mazatzal Mountains, which are full of good wintering Chickadee habitat.  But this guy ignored them.  Once again, it was cool to see them here, but the word "Dummie" still came out of our mouths.

When we drove up to a Least Sandpiper, it boldly stood it's ground.  After all, it was on it's favored cement drain.

We then stumbled upon this American Pipit on the same cement canal drain.  It ran down into the drain at first, but after awhile, it came back up and stood it's ground, while the Least Sandpiper still stood nearby.

The Clark's Nutcrackers didn't show up at Mount Ord like Magill and I had hoped for.  Instead, we found a handfull of crazy birds, represented in these photos.  It was a great day of birding, and some days are fun when you just have a lot to laugh at.  The following day, I went out to Lake Pleasant, and I found another brave and dumb bird.  A pair of Rock Wrens that seem to find their home right in the Scorpion Bay parking area.  Here they hopped on the sidewalk, ran under and on vehicles, sat on lightposts, and acted more hard core dumb than even a rock.  As long as these birds are cooperative for photographs, I don't mind the Bravest but yet Dumbest Birds in Maricopa County!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Local Birding Channel

Most birders have a local hotspot they visit more than often.  I sure do.  It's like our local television stations in a way!  In this case, it's Tres Rios Wetlands and Glendale Recharge Ponds for me.

Let's start with a few highlights I've had at Tres Rios as of late!  Here's the latest from my "Local Birding Channel".

Northern Harriers are starting to increase in numbers...

Despite it's name, this Night-Heron is flying during the day.  Would that make him a hypocrite?

The most amazing show of sight are the Yellow-headed Blackbird flocks.  Come extra early so you won't miss it!

Ospreys have increased in numbers also.  Watch for them where there are any bodies of water.

A Greater Roadrunner was seen perched on a fence.  How odd is that?

Casual at Tres Rios, this Rock Wren was found at Tres Rios's only formation of rocks.  You can't miss the rock peninsula!

The Peregrine Falcons are cool as ever.  Keep your eyes peeled overhead!

Black Vultures are abound in large numbers!  Keep an eye out for them in the farm area just northeast of Tres Rios.  

To change the channel from 3.1 to 3.2, we now stop at the Glendale Recharge Ponds..a rather ugly but mecca of a birding location.  Large bird numbers congregate whenever these large basins carry water.

The Least Sandpipers are lining the ponds right now.  Despite it's name, the Sandpiper itself doesn't feel like it's the Least.  It's the smallest sandpiper in the world, and they are certainly one of the most common in Arizona.

A lone Western Grebe has been chillin at the ponds.  He is bigger than most.  Here, he is joined by a female Cinnamon Teal. 

Black-necked Stilts and American Avocets are both around---you can't miss em!

The Avocets are especially cool!

Don't forget to tune into your Local Birding Channel!  In other words, don't forget to go birding at the awesome locations near you.  Tommy D..out.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Low Budget Birding: Part Four

This is the fourth installment of Low Budget Birding, the longest on-going series on Tommy D's Birding Expeditions.  Low Budget Birding is also the first series I have written on my blog.  As I mentioned earlier, Low Budget Birding pertains to making the best out of little.  In other words, I can't go far and can only spend a little to go close.  But birding close has amazing rewards, especially because I have two amazing locations that practically feel like they are in my neighborhood.  Those two locations are the Glendale Recharge Ponds and the Tres Rios Overbank Wetlands.  Both of these locations are in the "Top 5" for Maricopa County birding hotspots, and I am blessed they are so close to home.  In the last two months, these are the only locations I have been able to visit other than 3 trips out of town to locations like southeastern Arizona and Lake Havasu.  This installment of Low Budget Birding is a very good one!

Let's start with the Glendale Recharge Ponds.  These large basins are closer to me than Tres Rios, and I visit Glendale the most.  The water levels have been interesting this last month, and have attracted an interesting array of birds.  Some of the birds have been spectacular.  One experience left me remembering the first bird I really became interested in.....the Osprey.

The Majestic Osprey

Before I even got into birding, the Osprey blew me away.  I watched it catch fish effortlessly in the White Mountains every summer, and it was the only other wild creature that interested me other than the large mammals.  I would often hike into the woods behind the lake where the Osprey fished to observe it at it's nest site.  Being unfamiliar to all birds, I liked the Osprey without knowing what it's real name was.  I eventually found out, and I never did forget.  I believe I called it a Bald Eagle or even something like a Water Hawk, I can't exactly remember.  The Osprey was one of my very favorites when I took up birding in 2000, a few years later.  The more I have birded, the less I have unfortunately enjoyed the Osprey while being in search of other birds.  However, in a trip to Glendale, I came to a pond that had a fairly deep section of water in it.  This pool was close to the path and was full of fish.  This Osprey saw it as it's main fishing option, and fished very close to me.  I sat back and watched this ridiculously awesome bird, feeling stupid that I haven't paid it the due attention it really deserves in recent years.  This has been one of my favorite sightings during this month actually, and I snapped a ton of pictures.  Take a look at this awesome raptor!

One of the most numerous and definitely the most noisy of birds at the Glendale Recharge Ponds is the Killdeer.  What I like about the Killdeer is that even though it can be annoying, it always stands it's ground.  It doesn't take white wash from most of the other birds.

The other shorebirds at Glendale spook very easily.  They do of me, I know that, but some birds that patrol Glendale are very intimidating.  It takes the birds awhile to catch on the Osprey doesn't care for their meat and neither does Tommy.  When I focus on the distant shorebirds, it's regular for them to burst into flight, which looks a lot like this.  They are in a frenzy!

But who wouldn't find the Peregrine intimidating.  This is what the shorebirds run from.  The Killdeer is even scared of it, but who wouldn't be.  This guy is fierce, and if he was a little bigger, I would be terrified of him too.  I suppose if it came down to me and him, he would win in a fight easily.  The Peregrine Falcon has been clocked as the fastest flying animal in the world, and watching them swoop in out of nowhere, is beyond awesome!!!

The Glendale Recharge Ponds are a great place to simply observe nature.  The shorebirds feed on the insects.  The insects feed on the dead peep that got sick.  The Peregrine feeds on the the peep.  The birder feeds on the amazement of the birds.  The heat then feeds on the birder.  Just kidding on the last one, I hope.  Back to the birds.  The shorebirds are usually the main draw at the ponds, and I like to look for a variety of them.  Unfortunately, most of the shorebirds do feed far away from the shore.

Every now and then, one will get lucky and have a neat shorebird close to shore.  During this time period, the best for me was this Solitary Sandpiper.  I find this sandpiper to usually be very shy and wary.  It has never been an easy bird to get close to.  And it's always by itself was named very well.  I always like detecting these guys, whether by sight or their sharp callnotes when in flight.

Solitary Sandpiper

It's also cool to observe the Least Sandpiper up close.  It is usually the most common of the shorebirds other than the Killdeer here in Arizona, but it is very awesome due to the fact that it is the smallest shorebird in the world.  Like the Solitary Sandpiper, the Least Sandpiper was also named very well.

Least Sandpiper

Western Sandpipers are small peeps also, but look much larger than the Least Sandpiper even though they aren't too much larger.  These guys have been close to shore regularly over the last month, and have been cooperative for photographs.  Cool beans huh!

Western Sandpipers

One of the coolest sightings of the mornings I have spent here came in the form of the graceful Black Tern.  Terns are awesome at all times and all places, and I love to see them.  This Black Tern was very cooperative and foraged over the Basins at close range in accordance to the paths.  My birding buddies Steve Hosmer and Moe Bertrand also get really good pictures.  

Black Tern

I also have made a trip to the Tres Rios Overflow Wetlands during this recent duration, which!  This location is probably the best birding location in Maricopa County, as an overwhelming array of birds are found here per visit.  This visit had good highlights as usual, which makes for a classic visit to Tres Rios.  I was joined by six of my birding friends, and we make a great group of birders.  I enjoy birding and talking with every one of these six awesome individuals, and the seven of us combined forces to find 60 plus species at the Wetlands.  Susan Fishburn and her daughter Heather Eaton made plans to bird here today, and the rest of the group decided to join.  Thanks Heather and Susan for the awesome idea of Tres Rios birding.  The group met early at 6 A.M., and I was the last to arrive.  (Shame on me, I live the closest!)

My birding group from left to right:  Moe Bertrand, Babs Buck, Susan Fishburn, Heather Eaton, Joan Hosmer, Steve Hosmer

From the start birds where everywhere as usual.  Luck found our way as our year's first Vaux's Swift flew overhead.  It was my 350th bird of the year for Arizona for 2013.  The most numerous bird was the Yellow-headed Blackbird.  Hundreds of them flew by and were perched in the surrounding cattail marshes.  They are one of the coolest birds around!

Yellow-headed Blackbird

We were hoping to see many birds, including some that are elusive.  Now here is a birding test.  Can you spy the bird in the picture?  It's not really in focus, but it's there and by looking hard enough you should see it  Once you spy it, can you tell what species it is?  Stay tuned for the answer later in the post.  

Walking down the path, we saw that the Belted Kingfishers are starting to come in and will stay through the winter months and some of spring.  They are always great to have around with a rattle call by the water!

White-faced Ibis flocks were also a very common sight throughout the morning.  Their flock formations are incredible and remind me of the bucket of army men I would play war with back in the day.  Reason being, there are far more than what it looks like at a first glance.

Down the trail, Susan then spied the bird of the day!  None of us were expecting this.  As the group was looking at a Vesper Sparrow in the grass, Susan called me over to look at another sparrow she spied in a mesquite.  When I took a look at the bird, I saw that it was very concealed in the branches, but I did see that it looked a lot like a Grasshopper Sparrow!  When I placed it's field marks together despite the bird being hidden, I called out what I thought it was.  Steve and Moe went over to the other side of the mesquite to get better looks and Steve also agreed about the bird.  Moe then got a diagnostic photo before the bird disappeared on us.  As we waited for awhile, the bird than appeared where we didn't think it would appear.  Heather than spied it on a reed in the open!!  The seven of us got to enjoy the Grasshopper Sparrow in the open for an extended amount of time.  Grasshopper Sparrows are rare in Maricopa County (only my 3rd), and this was my first for Tres Rios (#198).  I was on cloud nine with this sighting!  

Grasshopper Sparrow

There was also a huge increase in Ospreys at Tres Rios today compared to my last visit.  We counted 5-6 individuals.  With all the water at Tres Rios, it is a designated Osprey Option.

One of our best birds today was a migrant.  It's the king of having Three Quick Beers.  It's the Olive-sided Flycatcher.  This bird is an inhabitant of high mixed conifer forests further north, but it can be seen anywhere in migration with some luck.

Olive-sided Flycatcher

While most of the American White Pelicans of Tres Rios were inside the fenced-in Flow Regulating Wetlands, this flock of six decided to give it a soar.

Another good highlight in the area was the continuing Red-shouldered Hawk, who didn't allow us to get very close.  We had over 60 species, and it was a great morning of birding with awesome people.  We also had Virginia Rail, Sora, a Barn Owl in flight, Western Tanager, Green-tailed Towhee, as well as Brewer's, Lark, Vesper, and our first of fall White-crowned Sparrows.  Here is a result to the bird search photo quiz posted above.  It's a............

LEAST BITTERN!!  The King of being Elusive

So that raps up this segment of Low Budget Birding.  Despite the fact I don't have the option of really going elsewhere, these days of birding close to home have been extra awesome.  With the addition of the Grasshopper Sparrow to the Tres Rios list, I think I have in back in me again to get into hardcore listing for the spot again.  We will see!  Tres Rios and Glendale, I'll probably see you soon